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Yous might want to clear some time in your schedule this weekend to look upwardly at the night sky. Those in the western hemisphere will be treated to a rare celestial alignment known colloquially as the "super blood moon." Information technology sounds pretty absurd, but it'south merely science — absurd science.

The super blood moon will be upon u.s.a. on Sunday dark, Jan 20-21st. Reverse to the very metal name, this is not your chance to carry out ritual sacrifices. It's a lunar eclipse that comes at a particular time in the satellite'south orbit. Let'south break that proper name down and make some sense of it.

The "blood" part of the nomenclature refers to the color of the moon during a full eclipse. Every bit you're probably aware, eclipses happen when the moon, Earth, and dominicus are all aligned. Usually, the slightly tilted path means the total moon notwithstanding gets some light from the sun. During a total eclipse, World blocks near lite from reaching the moon, but a little bit passes through our atmosphere earlier falling on the moon. Higher frequencies at the blue end of the spectrum get absorbed completely in the atmosphere, but blood-red light can pass through and achieve the moon. The ruby-red light that reflects back toward u.s.a. gives the moon a blood-red tone.

Sunday'due south eclipse is a "super" claret moon because of the specific time in its orbit when it's closer to Earth. The moon'south orbit is, of form, not perfectly balanced. At apogee (the most distant function), the moon is 252,000 miles (405,500 kilometers) away. The closest approach (perigee) is just 225,000 miles (363,300 kilometers) afar. A supermoon is a total moon that occurs during that fourth dimension. Then, a super blood moon is an eclipse congruent with a supermoon. The ruby colour is deeper because of the moon's position, and it will appear larger than usual.

You'll be able to see the offset hints of the eclipse at about 9:30 PM Eastern Time on Sunday as the moon slides into the penumbra (the Earth'due south shadow). That will be subtle, only the shadow should exist more visible moving across the surface by 10:30 ET. At eleven:41 PM Eastern Time, the eclipse will accomplish totality. If yous're going to await upward at whatsoever point that evening, this is the time. It will remain "claret red" for about an hour before the shadow recedes. And if you want to shoot information technology with your DSLR, read our sister site PCMag'due south guide to How to Photograph a Total Lunar Eclipse.

Now read:

  • Supermoons are Super Dumb
  • NASA Sets New Roadmap for Moon Base, Crewed Missions to Mars
  • Could Life Have One time Existed on the Moon?