
Sponsored Software Review: PhoneRescue

These days information technology's extremely important to proceed rail of all of your personal data, including messages, photos, and other types of files that y'all may have stored on your smartphone as this is by and large the main tool for nigh people for communication, taking pictures, and completing work-related tasks. Backing upward all of the data is something that should exist done regularly, and luckily almost of that can be done with storing information in the cloud and a lot of apps really do this automatically. What happens if y'all demand to recover data though? Well that's where software like PhoneRescue comes in. It can aid you lot recover lost information that yous may have accidentally deleted, or that ended up corrupted for any reason, and it does so pretty effortlessly and for a wide variety of phones which is an even bigger do good as this means your phone should be supported, so long as information technology isn't too obscure. Let'south take a closer await at PhoneRescue and meet how information technology stacks upwards.

Before you tin become started with recovering any of your information you'll need to head to the PhoneRescue website and download the PhoneRescue software.

First things first, PhoneRescue works with a variety of different phones and chances are your is supported. It works with the Google Pixel and Pixel XL, Nexus devices, Samsung devices, HTC devices, Huawei devices, and Sony devices just to proper name some of the supported OEMs. Upon opening PhoneRescue for the first fourth dimension you'll be asked to select your preferred language, and the software volition support English language, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Arabic.

Once your language is chosen, the software will give you a list of options for what types of information you want to recover. All of the boxes for each data type are already selected past default, merely you can uncheck these boxes if you wish to slim down to only the types of information you lot want to recover. In total Phone Rescue will let y'all to recover Contacts, Phone call Logs, Messages, Calendar information, Photos, Music, Videos, App Documents, WhatsApp conversation records and attachments, and LINE chat records and attachments.

When choosing a box for a specific data type, the UI will show a pleasant piffling blitheness for that type of data. For example, with messages, the icon in the middle changes to await like a message bubble, and this happens for each information type. This doesn't change how the software works at all only it'south a nice affect and some great attention to particular.

PhoneRescue will ask for permission to access different types of data on your device, and yous'll need to grant those permissions on the connected device for the software to scan and retrieve the data that you want.

Once you grant the permissions, the software will begin analyzing your telephone or tablet to observe the data that you wanted to recover. This process tin can be quick or take a niggling bit longer depending on what types of data you selected for recovery. Information technology'south also worth noting that you tin do a Deep Browse or a Quick Scan, and while Deep Scan will potentially find more data, it as well requires the telephone be rooted and PhoneRescue doesn't reverse this process, so you'll want to be aware of this before choosing Deep Scan.

If you select Letters equally your data type for recovery, PhoneRescue won't just find all of your text messages, information technology'll too be able to recover whatsoever attachments from those messages, such equally photos, and it'll divide those off into their own section for you to come across them separate from the recovered texts.

One time PhoneRescue has recovered the data that you desire you can export any of that data to your PC, and at that place multiple options for the file blazon you lot can use for exporting when y'all're exporting things similar the call history, messages, WhatsApp, Calendar, Contacts, and LINE chats. These include being able to choose .html or .txt for call history, letters, WhatsApp, and LINE chats, and .csv and .vsf for contacts and calendar data. For the media files, they'll simply exist exported using whatever file format they're already in, I.E. jpg, MP3, PNG etc. Though continue in mind that you'll need a full copy of the software to download whatever of the data that's recovered. Yous tin can still endeavour the software to encounter what information technology finds for free. It's also possible to recover the data for Messages, Contacts, Call Logs, and Agenda directly to an Android smartphone or tablet for instant use if yous demand it on the device in addition to existence on your PC.

PhoneRescue can also remove the lock screen security from the device if y'all need information technology to in the event that you forget something similar your Pin or password.

When it comes downward to it, PhoneRescue is a pretty simple slice of software that does just a handful of different things and it does them well. It's not swollen with tons of features that you don't really need and that's a refreshing change of pace. If y'all have a need for recovering lost data or you only want the ability to do and so in the issue that a situation with lost data comes up, PhoneRescue has the ability to provide this.


  • Speed (five/5) –The software installs quickly, and operates speedily, though it might have longer if you're having information technology recover tons of stuff.
  • Features (5/5) –Information technology doesn't accept tons of features just it has just the ones it needs.
  • Theme (v/5) –The UI is really great. It's minimalist, easy to navigate, and just looks make clean.
  • Overall (5/5) –A prissy piece of software that works great at what it does.


  • Works fast
  • Keen UI
  • Recovers quite a few unlike data types
  • Works with a wide multifariousness of phones and phone brands, including the Google Pixel
  • Can remove phone lock screen
  • Allows for exporting recovered data
  • Can do Deep Browse or Quick Scan


  • Deep Browse requires Root and the software doesn't reverse the Root procedure, or make the Root a temporary Root.

Not anybody has a need to recover lost or corrupted data, but it's not a bad idea to exist prepared to do so if the situation comes up, and with how well PhoneRescue works this is definitely one worth because. It also doesn't hurt that information technology seems to piece of work with just nigh any device. Overall PhoneRescue does what it says and does the job well without making things complicated. Definitely check this out if you have data you need to recover.

Download PhoneRescue


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